Job completed for Evening Star Villa

Completion date: July 23, 2024

Location: Houston, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

Evening Star Villa, a retirement community in Houston, wanted to beef up their security. They needed a system to control who comes and goes, and to keep an eye on things. So, they gave us a call to set up an access control system.

Solutions provided:

First things first, we had to get the place wired up for cameras. So we ran all the cables needed for a 16-camera system. That was a bit of a haul, but we got it done.

Next up was the access control system. We installed a beefy multi-door controller to handle all the entry points. Then there were the electric strikes – they replace the old-school door locks. We put those on, along with the card readers and buttons.

We also had to deal with a tricky situation at the front and back doors. The cables for the access control and cameras were in the way, so we had to reroute them through the top of the wall. It was a bit of a puzzle, but we got it sorted. We ended up dropping the card reader and the button on the right side of the door and fished the wires through the header.

To connect everything to the internet, we set up a wireless bridge. That was a bit of a specialized piece of equipment, but it was necessary to get the system online.

All in all, it was a pretty big job, but we got it done. The place is much more secure now.

Team members on this project:

Rostan N Taylor, Gregry D Hazlett, Mohammed Arefin

Photos & Videos:

Pre-wiring at Evening Star Villa
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Pre-wiring at Evening Star Villa
Evening Star Villa
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Evening Star Villa